We provide a FREE hearing aid battery service for those with NHS hearing aids from 9:30am – 1:00pm, Monday – Friday at our offices. Other locations are available. No Appointment Necessary. Find out more
Home Visiting
Our home visitors visit people over the state pension age in Epsom and Ewell to make any required referrals to social services, community services and to help them to apply for benefits. Find out more.
Information & Advice
We are open to both telephone and personal callers from 9.30-1.00 weekdays. We give free and confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues that affect older people. Find out more
IT Support
If you would like help getting to grips with your computer or tablet one of our IT volunteers can help. All visits take place in your home so that you can learn with your own computer. Find out more
Medical Transport
If you are over state pension age and have difficulty using public transport, our medical transport service can take you to and from medical appointments. Fees apply. Find out more
Men’s Group
Would you like to share activities and interests with like-minded men in Epsom and Ewell? Are you state pension age or older? Get together to organise and engage in the activities of your choice. Find out more
Sunday Tea
Every second Sunday of the month we hold our Sunday Teas. Please come and join us for afternoon tea, a chat and some light entertainment. Find out more
Our Brochure
We provide many services including Information and Advice, Medical Transport,Social Support and Befriending. Click here to view our full brochure.
Our Newsletters
Please sign up here to receive our seasonal newsletters and occasional bulletins. Featuring interesting news, articles and further information about our services, activities and our enjoyable public events.
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